Welcome to Cabrioni: a world where tradition, technology, and love for good things bake 100% natural cookies every day. No artificial aromas, no palm oil, nothing that is not natural: Cabrioni likes only good things. And you’ll see: you’ll like them too.

Slow awakenings, demanding early risings, contagious yawns: every breakfast is different from the other. For this reason, Cabrioni carefully selected genuine ingredients and baked cookies and wafers for all tastes: to make each one of your awakenings as natural as possible.

What happens when a light and fragrant wafer meets two layers of delicious filling? It happens that getting up becomes sweeter, snacks become longer and breaks truly deserved. Choose the filling you prefer among cocoa, hazelnut and vanilla cream and find out how a simple wafer can become a Signor Wafer.

We too love to experiment in the kitchen: for this reason, we have created beignes in large and small versions delicious both ways, with sweet and savory filings. Refreshing aperitifs, traditional desserts, visionary second-courses: you just have to roll up your sleeves and free your creativity.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath: feel the fresh air in Carpineti. Cabrioni products are born here, in the heart of the Reggio Emilia Apennine mountains, almost 800 meters above sea level, among woods, hills and springs of pure water.
Daily eggs, fresh cream butter, selected grain flour, malt, multi-flower honey…All our ingredients are carefully selected and carefully processed, respecting the typical recipes of our mountains.
We too are moms and dads. And we know how important it is to trust the foods that we choose. You can let your children enjoy Cabrioni cookies with peace of mind: they do not contain palm oil, artificial flavours, hydrogenated fats, GMOs, preservatives and dyes.
News from the Cabrioni world